Do Your Employees Feel Safe to Communicate?

Do Your Employees Feel Safe to Communicate?

Improving communications is often the entry point for my work with teams. During the early stages of an engagement, I am watching and assessing key communication indicators. Broadly I’m looking and listening for things like, how the information flows up, down, and...
Caring for the Caregiver

Caring for the Caregiver

Join these FREE virtual mind-body wellness breaks Brought to you by West County Health Centers, Links active until May 1, 2020 Daily 10-minute Morning Meditation – Monday thru Friday 10:00 am Meditation creates a relaxed state of moment to moment awareness which...
Breath Work For Stress Reduction

Breath Work For Stress Reduction

Alisha Warren Kundalini Yoga Instructor After years of stress and in the midst of grief Alisha took her first Kundalini yoga class and instantly fell in love. Through this beautiful practice of meditation, breath work and chanting, she found her healing,...
Stress Reduction Practices

Stress Reduction Practices

Sonoma Community Resilience Collaborative Angela Davis Angela Davis is a trained Center for Mind Body Medicine facilitator and services on the Leadership Committee for the Sonoma Community Resilience Collaborative About The Center for Mind-Body Medicine practices:...
Self-Help Acupressure for Stress Reduction

Self-Help Acupressure for Stress Reduction

Deborah Myers Certified Acupressurist and Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner Health at Your FingertipsEnergy Balancing Bodywork & Self Help Educator Deborah has been helping clients since 1995 to discover how to more easily become who they want to be physically,...
“Tapping” to Alleviate Stress

“Tapping” to Alleviate Stress

Ben Schwarcz, MFT, ACAP-EFTAdvanced EFT Practitioner and Trainer Ben is a Psychotherapist, Coach and Certified Advanced EFT Tapping Practitioner and Clinical Trainer, specializing in Trauma, Relationships, and Coaching Entrepreneurs with self-limiting beliefs and...